
Showing posts from August, 2023

Blog Week #2

  What did you learn this week?  This week I learned the eight characteristics of living things. This includes cellular composition, genetics and heredity, maintains homeostasis, growth and change, reproduction, metabolism, movement, and responds to stimuli. I also learned that something can be living and not do these at a certain time. This means they are dormant. An example of this would be a seed in a package (at its dormant stage) vs. a seed in soil and being watered.  Are you able to relate what you learned to what you already knew? I was able to relate what I learned to what I already knew. I realized this when we were thinking of drawing each characteristic. For example, I knew that growth and change would be the process of someone growing up or also the evolution of a bird in a certain living space.  What are new or remaining questions?  A question I have about what we learned this week is "What is the best way to teach elementary-aged students about a living thing when it

Blog #1

  What did you learn this week?     This week I learned what NGSS is. NGSS is Next Generation Science Standards and it has been in place since 2012. There is a website you can go on where you can view all of the NGSS for any age group and any kind of science. This includes K-12 and could be physical science, life science, Earth and space sciences, and engineering, technology, and applications of science.  Are you able to relate what you learned to what you already knew?     I can relate what I learned about the NGSS to what I learned about the reading standards. The setup is very similar and now I know how to navigate each one.  How can you apply what you've learned to your teaching in the future?     I can apply this in the future by using the website when I need to look at my standards and also show it to other teachers or people who want to be teachers because it is a useful tool. Familiarizing yourself with the standards before getting into a school and teaching it is a good i