Week 11


What did you learn this week? 

This week we learned about observation and explanation. We got to observe a few different science experiments. We also made a few predictions. After we made observations and talked about the different kinds of observation (quantitative and qualitative), we tried to explain why what we observed happened which is the explanation. 

How can you apply what you've learned to your teaching in the future?

I can apply science stations to my classroom in the future. I really liked the idea of doing each experiment and just doing quick little things that are different from each other but are also teaching the same concept. 

What are new or remaining questions? 

I have a few remaining questions that all have to do with the science stations we went through. Would Coke Zero sink or float in a big can? Were any new chemicals formed when we added baking soda to the vinegar? 


  1. Hi Alyssa! I also was curious about the other types of soda and how they would sink or float. I was wondering about Coke Zero, but even other flavors as well. Would the save go for other sodas like regular vs. diet Sprite? I also want to use some of these science stations in my future classroom to help my students stay engaged and want to learn. Great post!

  2. Hi Alyssa! I enjoyed reading your blog post. I also was curious about the coke experiment activity.

  3. Hi Alyssa! I was curious about the coke experiment as well. I think we will talk more about the stations next week! I think I will apply stations in my future classroom. Great post!

  4. Hey Alyssa! I think the question you have about Coke Zero is a very good question and I am equally as curious what the answer would be! From what you wrote it also looks like you really understood todays lesson good job!

  5. Hi Alyssa, I agree that it would be a good idea to bring these experiments to the classroom, especially since each station is so different and interesting.

  6. I enjoy what you had to say about incorporating different the same ideas using multiple experiments. That is something I would do as well!

  7. Hello Alyssa, I also had the same question about Coke Zero. I noticed the only added ingredient to coke zero is aspartame. This is an artificial sweetener, which is known for being a harmful chemical. I was very curious if this has anything to do with its floating effect.


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