Week #3 Science Methods 2

The big question addressed in lab, and a description of what you did:
What affects how long it takes a swing to go back and forth? 

A description of what you learned in Thursday's lecture.

We learned the definition of the period of a swing, which is the time for a swing to go back and forth once. We then discussed the effect of rider weight and the length of the swing. We learned in the lab that rider weight does not affect the time a swing goes back and forth because of Newton's 2nd law. We learned about the first two of Newton's laws and how they affect the force of something. F=MA. This makes it clear that larger masses are harder to accelerate, slow down, or turn. We learned that the longer the rope or chain of a swing, the longer the period of the swing. 

Answer questions about the weekly textbook reading? 

    What did you learn?

    We learned a fancy word for a swing which is a pendulum. This was a nice reminder that there are bigger words for things just like the period of a swing. 

    What was most helpful?

    The most helpful of this reading was the lesson plan idea at the end. It gave a fun exciting lesson for your students to complete that would keep them engaged and learning.  

    What do you need more information on?

    Something I would like more information on is Foault's pendulum. I think this is a great way to teach about the earth's axis but I would like more information on it to teach a lesson correctly. 

    What questions/concerns/comments do you have?

    Does larger objects or smaller objects have more potential energy? Or does weight not affect the potential energy of an object? 


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