Week 7


What did you learn this week?

This week in lab we learned about DNA. We know that DNA is a blueprint of life. DNA has 4 parts to it. C, T, A, and G go together to form a double helix that looks like a ladder and then twists. Above is a picture of what DNA looks like but in candy form. This would be a good way to teach children because candy peaks their interest. 

Are you able to relate what you learned to what you already knew?

I can relate what I learned to what I already know somewhat. When I first started at the university I was a Physical Therapy major so I had taken biology as a class. We learned a lot about DNA in that class and what we talked about today made me think of what I learned in that biology course. An example of something I learned about in both this class and in biology is messenger RNA. 

Which parts did you find clear and which were confusing?

I found the structure of DNA a little confusing. I understood the visual, how it is known as a double helix, and what DNA looks like to the eye. However, the actual in-depth structure that includes nucleosomes, genes, and histomes was confusing to me. 


  1. I really enjoyed reading your blog post. Your candy gene looks so cool! Great way for students to learn and understand DNA.

  2. Hi Alyssa!
    I also agree that the structure of DNA can be a little confusing with all of the different things that go into it. I think I just need to get more familiar with them.

  3. Hi Alyssa! I also learned a lot about DNA and genes in high school. I remember learning about punnett squares and how they help you to determine all possible genotypes. I also think the structure of DNA can be confusing and it is probably because it is not something we always focus on. Great post!

  4. I also think that doing something like a candy model would be really engaging for student's and peak their interests. I also relate to taking a biology class prior to this class, and it is definitely nice to have that prior knowledge.


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