Week 14

 What did you learn this week?
This week we learned more about items that sink and float. However, we figured it out without water! Density is equal to mass divided by volume. We learned that the item would float if the answer came out to under 1. If it was larger than 1 then the item sunk. 

Are you able to relate what you learned to what you already knew?

Yes, I learned about this in my classes before but it was a nice refresher. I can also relate it directly back to what we have already learned in this class earlier in the semester. We also made a flip book which I have done in another class before. I find this to be a great way to integrate two subjects. 

How can you apply what you've learned to your teaching in the future?

We also learned about an activity that took place in an elementary classroom. It was a challenge for the students on a budget! This sounds like something I could do in my classroom. It was testing chewing gum and while I might not use that experiment exactly I would definitely do a challenge activity because students like things that we "think" they can't do. 


  1. Hey Alyssa I loved reading your blog post. I loved your flip video story pictures! Very creative!

  2. Hi Alyssa! I also agree that it is great to challenge students as a little motivator for them!

  3. Hey Alyssa! I like the idea of incorporating an activity that is a challenge for students, I'm sure they would love it! I also like how you incorporated pictures from your video.

  4. Hi Alyssa, your conclusion about objects sinking or floating makes sense. It makes me think back to the coca cola cans that we discussed before break, and how one can floated while the other sunk. This is due to their different densities as you mentioned.

  5. Hey Alyssa, I really like your Ice melting flip book I think it does a really good job explaining why ice melts faster on metal compared to wood. I also think it was a good idea to include the number amount that causes items to float or sink.


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