Week 1 Science Methods #2


Big Question: How do you make an exciting race with a slower and faster racer?

What we did: We split up into groups and modeled a race. We thought about what we could do to make the race as even as possible. To do this we measured how fast we could walk a certain distance and then calculated our speed. After doing this in small groups, we returned as a whole class and raced different groups to see if we could make an exciting race. My group succeeded. 

Thursday Lecture: In the lecture, we discussed the NGSS that went into the race model that we completed in the lab. We discussed that the SEP was used when we made observations about movement, measured time and distance, calculated speed, and asked a question (The big question). DCI was present when we described motion, measured, and predicted. The Crosscutting concept we used was patterns. The pattern we saw was the prediction we made of our future location based off of how fast we could go a certain distance (speed). 

Weekly Textbook Reading: 

What did you learn?

Something I learned was the difference between distance and position. Distance is how far you go somewhere and position is the exact spot you are traveling to from your current spot. 

What was most helpful?

The most helpful aspect of this reading was the reminder of how to calculate speed which is distance/time. 

What do you need more information on?

Velocity is something I would like to discuss more. Even though it is in the reading I think discussing it in person resonates with me more. 

What questions/concerns/comments do you have?

A question I have is how closely connected is velocity, speed, and acceleration. Can you figure out one through the other? 


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