Week #8 Presentations

 Lab Notes: 

Origin of the Universe  

  • Scientists believe the universe is 13.7 billion years old 
    • Before this there was nothing  
  • Big bang theory – there was no bang because there was no light  
    • Light came into existence 300,000 years later 
    • Created gravity, heat, light  
  • We do not know for sure and will never know – we will have the best theory  
    • Theory that is damn near proven but never true  

  • Small particles come together which led to stars and then galaxies and then us  

Lifecycle of stars  


  • Consists of stars, planets, and vast clouds of gas and dust, bond together by gravity 
  • Oldest galaxies formed when our universe was only 1 billion years old 
  • Our galaxy will eventually collide with andromeda galaxy 
  • Milky way is 100,00 light years big 
  • There are 2 trillion galaxies  
  • Definition: hundreds and hundreds of thousands of stars  
    • 2 billion stars  

Origin of the Earth  

  • Originally a sphere of molten lava  
  • Over millions of years, it began to cool causing oceans  
  • Believed that asteroid showers created bodies of water  
  • Layers of atmosphere: Troposphere (holds our oxygen), stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere  
  • The earth came into being 4.6 billion years ago  

Black Holes 

  • Formed when massive stars collapse under their own gravity  
  • Nothing, not even light can escape  
  • Types: stellar mass, supermassive, and intermediate mass 
  • A black hole could fit in your pocket  
  • We do not know where all the blackholes in our universe are 
  • 40 quintillion black holes in the universe  
  • There is a black hole in the center of the Milkyway galaxy, and it causes all the stars and planets to rotate around it  

Exploration of space: past, present, and future  

  • October 4th 1957, was the first space travel: the U.S.S.R launched Sputnik the first official satellite to orbit Earth 
  • April 12th 1961, first person in space, went around the Earth and took 108 minutes  
  • July 20th 1969 Neil Armstrong landed on the moon  
  • Expedition 70: went to the international space station in September of 2023 and will return in spring 2024 
  • Space tourism  
    • People can go to space for a big price  
  • Private space travel  
    • Space exploration that takes place outside of the government  
  • Future: not racing other people to get to space or make new discoveries  
    • Orion spacecraft – 4 people on board will last 21 days  
    • Dream chaser – research and supplies to the international space station 
    • Parker solar probe: goal is to touch the sun  

Lecture Notes:
Origin of the universe: 13.7 billion years ago the universe was created by the Big Bang but Earth was not. Nothing which was really a tiny thing the size of our pencil eraser inflated to create our universe in a fraction of a second. Eventually, it will collapse back to nothing again. This process will repeat but not in our lifetime. Our sun formed from a stellar nebula, most likely from a star that underwent a supernova (when a star blows up). This is how we get the rest of the periodic table (a supernova blowing up). In about 5 billion years the Earth will be gobbled up by the sun because it will burn out. As the sun burns up its fuel, the overall mass goes down. This then decreases the gravity and causes the sun to inflate and then go poof.

The life cycle of stars: A cloud of dust goes to a big or normal-sized star, and both turn into a red giant, they go to this because they lose their material causing them to inflate. A big star when it explodes goes to either a black hole or a neutron star, a regular star changes to a white dwarf. A star lives longer the smaller it is.

Origin of the Earth: Created from a star that lived its entire existence and then blew up and created Earth from its stardust. The iron core of the Earth protects us from being burnt completely by the sun. The creation of the moon tilted the Earth which then caused seasons.

Galaxies: Three primary shapes of galaxies: Spiral, elliptical, and irregular. Our galaxy is a spiral galaxy. Other life on other planets in different galaxies is possible. Our galaxy moves.

Black holes: Super dense, you see it by the absence of itself. In the center of galaxies. Nothing including light can escape.


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