The big question addressed in the lab: Data on CO2

A description of what you did in the lab: 
In the lab on Monday we looked at CO2 data. We first went to a website, messed around with it, and made notes of what we noticed. Then we discussed as a class and looked at different graphs that were posted on the lecture slides. A big trend among the graphs is an increase over time. Another thing I noticed is that the line goes up and down like a zig-zag each year. We found that this is due to seasons, the CO2 level is lower in summer and higher in winter. This is because of plants! 

A description of what you learned in Thursday's lecture.
In Thursday's lecture, we learned more about CO2 and climate change. The planet has been way hotter and way colder than it is today. We have been frozen and covered in magma before. A reason some people may not care about climate change is because the temperatures are not that bad currently. The trend line for solar radiation and volcanic activity is increasing and this is because of human impacts. Snow reflects more and colors absorb more sunlight, this is known as albedo. More energy in the system the more energy. The albedo effect is a positive feedback loop because once it starts absorbing it continues to absorb more and more. 

Answer questions about the weekly textbook reading:
     What did you learn?
Something I learned was that 1861 was the first time scientists talked about greenhouse gases and how it is human-caused. I did not realize this had been going on this long. 
     What was most helpful?
The most helpful thing was the fast facts, I learned new information and it drew me in when I saw "fast facts" because it felt like fun facts but they aren't fun they are scary.  
     What do you need more information on?
I would like more information on how the heart can become colder with climate change, I always thought that it was global warming so learning that due to climate change places can also get colder seemed controversial since I heard about the glaciers melting. 
What questions/concerns/comments do you have?
After the tipping point, how long do humans have before the earth is uninhabitable?


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