Climate and the Goldfinch

The big question: How do we know the Goldfinch is in danger in Iowa? 

A description of what you did in the lab. 

At first in the lab, we discussed climate change and its main effects. We did a jambord and discussed it with our classmates. Then we moved on to researching different websites about precipitation and temperature. While we were researching these things we thought about the big question. Some ideas we came up with are that they are in danger because their food supply would go down, their habitat would be affected, and their ability to fly would decrease due to the rain. 

A description of what you learned in Thursday's lecture.

N/A Test 

Answer questions about the weekly textbook reading:

-What did you learn?

I learned the acronym LOWER Near water which stands for Latitude, Ocean currents, Wind and air masses, Elevation, Relief (aka topography), Near water. 

-What was most helpful?

I think the most helpful in this article was the reminder of what Iowa's climate is. Which is: 

  • More precipitation and drought
  • Hotter temperatures
  • Impact on agriculture
  • Habitat changes

-What do you need more information on?

Something I would like more information on is how I can help with climate change. 

What questions/concerns/comments do you have?

A question I have is how long it will take on the path we are on for the Goldfinch to be extinct from Iowa. 


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